Harris Manufacturing Processes Laboratories
Manufacturing Proceeses Lab

The Harris Manufacturing Processes Laboratories consist of a collection of individual labs, equipment, and support facilities for both instruction and research in manufacturing processes and metrology. Over 650 undergraduate students from three engineering departments participate in hands-on laboratory instruction in this 5100-square-foot facility each year. A separate research machine shop provides in-house fabrication of fixtures and other devices in support of departmental research activities.
Harris Manufacturing Processes Laboratories Endowment

In 1998, he endowed the Leon P. Harris Scholarship Fund, supporting undergraduate students in Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering. Together with Beverly, the couple endowed the Harris Manufacturing Processes Laboratories, a instructional lab used to teach about 650 industrial and systems engineering, mechanical engineering, and materials science engineering students each year in a variety of manufacturing processes, including machining, welding, and sand casting.
Harris Lab Instructors
Bio ItemScott Lancaster , bio
Laboratory Instrument Maker Supervisor | scottl16@vt.edu | 540-231-4003
Bio ItemShawn Culver , bio
Laboratory Instrument Maker | shawnwc@vt.edu | 540-231-5255
Bio ItemKelly Snidow , bio
Laboratory Instrument Maker | ksnidow@vt.edu | 540-231-5255
For more information, please contact:
Bio ItemJohn P. Shewchuk , bio
Associate Professor, Associate Department Head | shewchuk@vt.edu
174 Whittemore Hall