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Textbooks for courses in Spring 2023 semester

Posted on December 20, 2022

  • ISE 4304 Global Issues in Industrial Management has a customized textbook. You can purchase the eBook version at the publisher's site or a paperback copy at the VT Bookstore.
  • Check the correct status of textbook (REQUIRED, Recommended) on this page.  The status on the VT University bookstore website may not be correct.
  • Some or all textbooks for the following courses are available via the publisher's website or the VT Library: ISE 5406, ISE 5984 Stat Learning and Data Sci, and ISE 6574.
Course Textbook
ISE 2004
Intro to ISE
No textbook: materials will be on CANVAS
ISE 2014
Engineering Economy

1. Engineering Economy (17th Ed., 2018) by Sullivan, Wicks, Koelling; Pearson; ISBN 978-0134870069 (hard copy), 978-0134838137 (loose leaf), REQUIRED

2. MyLab Engineering (online access) (2019) by Sullivan, Wicks, Koeling; Pearson; ISBN 978-0134870694, Recommended
(update on Nov 18, 2022: Pearson may offere MyLab Engineering only along with the eBook attached; MyLab Engineering could not be purchased by itself.)

ISE 2024
Probability Foundations for ISE

1. Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel (8th Ed., 2021) by David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann; Cengage;  ISBN 978-0357131626; REQUIRED

2. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (2015) by Jay Devore; Cengage; ISBN 978-1305251809; Recommended

ISE 2034
Data Mgmt for ISEs
No textbook
ISE 2214
Manuf Proc Lab
No textbook: Lab Manual will be available on CANVAS
ISE 2404
A Gentle Introduction to Optimization (2014) by B. Guenin, J. Könemann, and L. Tunçel; Cambridge University Press; ISBN 978-1107658790, REQUIRED
Course Textbook
ISE 3004
Ind Cost Control

1. MyLab Accounting (online access) by Horngren, Schatzberg, Burgstahler, Sundem; Pearson; REQUIRED

ISBN for: MyLab Accounting access only (no textbook) 978-0133059243; with eText 978-0133059229; with Student Value loose-leaf edition 978-0133059762; with hardcover 978-0133059748.

2. Introduction to Management Accounting (16th Ed., 2014) by Horngren, Schatzberg, Burgstahler, Sundem; Pearson; Recommended

ISBN for: eText 978-0133423839; Student Value loose-leaf edition 978-0133058819; Hardcover 978-0133058789.

ISE 3034
Technical Communication for Engineers
Technical Communication (12th Ed., 2017) by Mike Markel, Stuart A. Selber; Bedford/St. Martin's Publisher; ISBN 978-1319058616; REQUIRED
ISE 3424
Discrete-Event Computer Simulation

1. Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications (6th Ed., 2021) by Jeffrey S. Smith and David T. Sturrock ; Simio; ISBN 979-8802969557; REQUIRED

2. Simulation Modeling with SIMIO: A Workbook (4th Ed/. 2015) by Jeffrey A. Joines and Stephen Roberts; Simio; ISBN 978-1-51-9142207; Recommended

ISE 3614
Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics

1. Designing for people: An introduction to human factors engineering (3rd Ed., 2017) by Lee, Wickens, Liu, Boyle; CreateSpace; ISBN 978-1539808008; REQUIRED

2. The design of everyday things (Revised and expanded edition, 2013) by Norman; Basic Books; ISBN 978-0465050659; REQUIRED

ISE 3624
Industrial Ergonomics
No textbook: materials will be available on CANVAS
Course Textbook
ISE 4006
Proj Mgmt & Sys design II
No textbook
ISE 4204

1. Production and Operations Analysis (8th Ed., 2021) by Steven Nahmias, Tava Lennon Olsen; Waveland Press; ISBN 978-1478639268; Recommended

2. The Goal (30th Ed., 2014) by Eliyahu Goldratt, Jeff Cox; North River Press, Inc.; ISBN 978-0884271956; REQUIRED

ISE 4264
Industrial Automation
Robot Modeling and Control (2nd ed., 2020) by M. W. Spong, S. Hutchinson, and M. Vidyasagar; Wiley; ISBN 978-1119523994; REQUIRED
ISE 4304
Global Issues in Industrial Mgmt
Global Issues in Industrial Management (custom textbook) by N. Ghaffarzadegan; McGraw Hill Education Create; REQUIRED

ISBN 978-1307861402 for eBook version at the publisher's website; ISBN 978-1307861389 for print (black & white) version at the VT Bookstore.
ISE 4414
Industrial Quality Control
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (8th Ed., 2020) by Douglas C. Montgomery; Wiley; ISBN 978-1119399308; REQUIRED
ISE 4654
Principles of Industrial Hygiene
No textbook
ISE 4804
System Dynamics Modeling of Industrial Systems
Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (2000) by John D. Sterman; McGraw-Hill; ISBN 978-0072389159; textbook is REQUIRED, but CD is not required
Course Textbook
ISE 5016
Mgmt Change, Innov & Prf II
No Textbook
ISE 5114
Case Studies in IE
A Guide to the Engineering Management Body of Knowledge (5th Ed., 2019) by Hiral Shah and Walter Nowocin; The American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM); ISBN 978-0997519556; Recommended
ISE 5134
Mgmt Info Systems
Business Driven Technology (9th Ed., 2022) by Page Balzan; McGraw-Hill; ISBN 978-1264218813 (loose leaf); REQUIRED
ISE 5174
Eng. Program and Project Mgmt

1. The Complete Software Project Manager (2016) by Anna Murray; Wiley; ISBN 978-1119161837; REQUIRED

2. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge & Agile Practice Guide (7th Ed., 2021) by Project Management Institute; Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute; ISBN 978-1628256642; REQUIRED

ISE 5406
Optimization II
Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms (3rd Ed., 2006) by Bazaraa, Sherali, Shetty; Wiley; ISBN 978-0471486008; REQUIRED
ISE 5414
Random Processes
Introduction to Probability Models (11th Ed., 2014) by Sheldon Ross; Academic Press; ISBN 978-0124079489; REQUIRED
ISE 5454
Prod Plan & Control
No textbook: materials will be uploaded to CANVAS.
ISE 5624
HF Research  Design
Applied Linear Statistical Models (2005, 5th ed.) by Kutner,‎ Nachtsheim,‎ Neter and Li; McGraw-Hill/Irwin; ISBN 978-0073108742; Recommended
ISE 5644
Human Aud & Aud Disp Des
The Noise Manual (6th Ed., 2021) (5th, 2003) by Elliott H. Berger, Larry H. Royster, Julia D. Royster, Dennis P. Driscoll, and Marty Layne; American Industrial Hygiene Association; ISBN 978-1950286072; REQUIREDLink to the 5th Edition (2003) in the VT Library
ISE 5674
System Safety Analysis
No Textbook: materials will be uploaded to CANVAS
Course Textbook
ISE 5714
Usability Engineering
UX Book (2nd Ed., 2018) by Hartson; Elsevier; ISBN 978-0128053423; REQUIRED
ISE 5814
System Dynamics Model Soc-Tech
Business Dynamics (2000) by John Sterman; McGraw-Hill; (with CD) ISBN 978-0072389159, (without CD) ISBN 978-0072311358; Textbook is REQUIRED, but CD is not required.
ISE 5844
Healthcare Systems Engineering and Modeling
Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach (8th Ed., 2021) by Leiyu Shi, Douglas A. Singh; Jones & Bartlett Learning; ISBN 978-1284224610; REQUIRED
ISE 5984
Soc-Tech Sys (by Triantis)
No Textbook
ISE 5984
Engineering Communications (by Carper)

1. Essential Writing Skills for College and Beyond (2014) by C. Gill; Penguin; ISBN 978-1599637594; REQUIRED

2. Better Presentations (2016) by J. Schwabish; Columbia University Press; ISBN 978-0231175210; REQUIRED

3. The craft of research (Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing) (4th Ed., 2016) by W. C. Booth, G. G. Colomb, & J. M.  Williams; University of Chicago Press; ISBN 978-0226239736; Recommended

ISE 5984
Stat Learning and Data Sci (by Tsui)
The Elements of Statistical Learning (2nd Ed., 2009) by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman; Springer; ISBN 978-0387848587; Recommended
ISE 5984
DOE & Regression (by Tsui)
Applied Linear Statistical Models (2005, 5th ed.) by Kutner,‎ Nachtsheim,‎ Neter and Li; McGraw-Hill/Irwin; ISBN 978-0073108742; Recommended
Course Textbook
ENGR 5204
Systems Eng Projects

1. Systems Engineering and Analysis (5th Ed., 2011) by Blanchard and Fabrycky; Pearson; ISBN 978-0132217354; Recommended

2. Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (2000) by John D. Sterman; Irwin McGraw-Hill; ISBN 978-0072389159; Recommended

3. Systems Engineering Principles and Practice (3rd Ed., 2020) by Alexander Kossiakoff, Steven M. Biemer, Samuel J. Seymour, David A. Flanigan; Wiley; ISBN 978-1119516668; Recommended

ISE 6404
Graph Theory & Network Flows
No textbook: Materials will be posted on CANVAS
ISE 6574
Adaptive Control Systems

1. Robust and Adaptive Control: With Aerospace Applications (2013) by Eugene Lavretsky; Springer; ISBN 978-1447143956; Recommended

2. Robust Adaptive Control (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering) (2012) by Petros Ioannou; Dover Publisher; ISBN 978-0486498171; Recommended

3. Nonlinear Systems (3rd Ed., 2001) by Hassan K. Khalil; Pearson; ISBN 978-0130673893; Recommended

ISE 6614
Human Computer Systems
Universal Methods of Design: 100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions (2012) by Bruce Hanington; Rockport Publishers; ISBN 978-1592537563; REQUIRED